Tuesday, 20 December 2011

'vapour lock'

I did promise in my last post to tell you about a vapour lock. A vapour lock
"is an old car mechanical term from way back when. It's when the gas line in your car would overheat and turn the gas into vapor which would automatically stall your car, dead in it's tracks because of lack of fuel. They did something in auto technology to correct this problem as I have not experienced it in over 20 years"
(thanks to John Hodur in the States who enlightened me on that)
And the connection to boxes? It happens to me all the time - I get stuck on a little problem and until it's solved I can't go forward. I can't go around it. I have to solve it and go through it. 
The last time it happened was with the magnets for some treasure boxes.The 3mm magnets were about 2.9mm and were a bit sloppy in the holes and the 4mm were fine but a bit too big and I'd have to send back the 3mm that I'd bought...

Friday, 9 December 2011

I'm slacking

The funny anomaly about writing a blog is that the greater the time gap between entries, the less there is to say.
I think I've been doing work that I've spoken about before, and I've had a birthday, and... I've run out of excuses.Well - the only way is forward...
A little batch of 'treasure' boxes was finished yesterday - next time I'll tell you about a vapour lock...

Thursday, 1 December 2011

HMS Victory Box

I'm making more trays! This time for a box made from oak taken from Nelson's flagship HMS Victory